Coping with the Dark Night of the Soul: Physical and Emotional Effects

Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, life-changing experience, but sometimes, it can also bring challenges—particularly when it comes to physical symptoms. One of the most common signs of spiritual awakening is experiencing energy surges in the body. These sensations can feel soft and blissful or intense, unfamiliar, and overwhelming, often linked to the rise of Kundalini energy—the coiled serpent of energy at the base of the spine.

If you’re experiencing these intense energy shifts, you’re not alone. You might also be going through a dark night of the (ego) soul—a spiritual transformation accompanied by physical and emotional turmoils.

What Is the Dark Night of the Soul?

The dark night of the soul, first described by the mystic St. John of the Cross, is one of the most profound and transformative experiences on the spiritual journey. It represents a period of deep spiritual desolation, emotional upheaval, and inner transformation. This phase often strips us of the illusions and attachments that have defined our sense of self. It’s a process of letting go—of the ego, old patterns, and deeply buried emotional wounds. While it can feel like an emotional and spiritual death, the ultimate purpose of the dark night of the soul is to bring us into alignment with our authentic selves and divine truth. Eckhart Tolle explains: “The dark night of the soul is a kind of death that you die. Often, it is part of the awakening process, the death of the old self and the birth of the true self.”

What Do Energy Surges Feel Like?

Energy surges are a common physical manifestation during spiritual awakening. You might experience tingling around your spine, neck, or hands. Some feel bursts of warmth or cold, muscle cramps, or pressure in their heads. These sensations can strike suddenly, leaving you drained or energized in unpredictable ways. For me, these sensations started as vibrations in my chest and throat, often feeling like flowing lava moving through my body. They were intense, relentless, and sometimes overwhelming, localized at first, mainly in the front of my body—centered around my heart and throat chakras and extending to my hands and legs.

The First Energy Surge and The Chaos Within

I still remember the first time I felt an energy surge. It came after a major life shift that left me shaken. It began as a vibration deep within my chest—an electrical storm trapped inside me. I didn’t know whether to feel excited or terrified. In the days that followed, my heart burned with a heat that spread through my chest, never subsiding. It felt like a washing machine had been installed inside my ribcage, churning and twisting my insides. My blood pressure would rise and fall without warning, and my heart pounded so fiercely I wondered if it was fighting for its life—or mine.

The hot and heavy energy built in my chest rushed up to my throat and then quickly sank back down, left to right, over and over. The energy was persistent, streaming throughout the day and night. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus, and felt utterly lost. This storm raged for over a year.

Emotional Turbulence and The Darkness Within

Each time the energy surged, it brought a flood of emotions with it—waves of sadness, anger, and grief I hadn’t realized I was carrying. I cried so much that I felt like my tears could fill a lake. Tears flowed endlessly as if releasing years of suppressed pain.

I was overwhelmed by fear and desperation, questioning everything: “Why is this happening to me? Is something wrong with my body?” Back then, words like Kundalini and Shakti were foreign to me. The fear would sometimes twist into darker thoughts. At my lowest, I wondered if I could survive another day of this. It felt like the energy was consuming me, tearing me apart. I didn’t feel like I was evolving; I felt like I was falling apart. Luckily, there was one person I could talk to. Though she knew nothing about what I was going through and had little idea what I was trying to explain—how could she, when even I didn’t have the words for it—she was always compassionate. She listened to my crying and despair with an open heart. I am so grateful for her presence in my life. Hanna came into my life just before the Kundalini awakening and left when God knew I could handle it alone.

Surrendering to the Unknown

But within this chaos, there was a small part of me that refused to give up—a tiny flicker of hope that whispered one word: Surrender. At first, I didn’t understand. How could I surrender to something so terrifying, so uncontrollable? But as the months dragged on, I grew too tired to keep fighting. Exhaustion led me to let go.

One night, as I lay in bed, feeling the familiar burning in my chest, something shifted. Instead of resisting, I closed my eyes and breathed into it. I imagined the energy flowing through me, not attacking me. I breathed into it, prayed, and asked for guidance. Slowly, the fire softened into warmth, and the relentless intensity began to subside. Surrender wasn’t about giving up but allowing the energy to move through me without resistance. This shift marked the beginning of my healing.

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa explains the idea of surrender well. Maharishikaa is a mystic who simplifies spirituality with profound clarity. Her teachings on surrender to the divine within are delivered with love and simplicity. Maharishikaa guides seekers to connect directly with the Soul, showing them how to reduce suffering and live joyfully by acting from the Soul's impulse rather than the ego's command. Through her wisdom, seekers transform into finders, experiencing the beauty of surrender and the true essence of being alive.

The journey wasn’t easy, but it taught me that surrender is not about giving up—it’s about allowing—allowing the energy, the transformation, and the divine plan to unfold as they must. If only I had surrendered sooner, I could have avoided so much suffering. The energy wasn’t my enemy; it was my teacher.

Coping with Energy Surges: Lessons from My Journey

If you’re experiencing energy surges during your dark night of the soul, here are practices that helped me find balance:

  • Stay Grounded: Grounding was a lifeline for me. Walking barefoot on the earth, breathing deeply, or simply sitting in nature helped stabilize the chaotic energy. When I felt like I was spiraling out of control, grounding brought me back to the center.
  • Rest and Hydration: Give yourself permission to rest as your body and soul undergo profound shifts. Drinking plenty of water and eating nourishing, balanced meals helped support my system as I navigated the changes. Choose fresh, raw fruits, vegetables, and herbs to support releasing dense energy. Avoid processed or heavy foods that can weigh down your system.
  • Meditation and Breathwork: Spend quiet meditation to observe your emotions without judgment. Mindful breathing can also help stabilize your energy.
  • Sound Healing and Chanting: Listening to healing frequencies or chanting mantras can harmonize chaotic energy.
  • Seek Support: Reach out to compassionate friends or spiritual communities who can offer guidance and understanding.
Physical and Emotional Effects During the Dark Night of the Soul

Physical Symptoms
Fatigue: Deep exhaustion from processing energetic shifts.
Aches and Pains: Particularly in the heart, head, or back, as energy aligns with higher frequencies.
Digestive Issues: During this time, the body might struggle to process dense, heavy foods, leading to a natural preference for lighter, high-vibration meals. A preference for lighter or no foods may emerge.
Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia or vivid dreams reflecting inner work.

Emotional Symptoms
Deep Sadness or Despair: A feeling of being lost or disconnected from life is typical.
Fear or Anxiety: Facing suppressed emotions can trigger heightened fear or worry.
Detachment: A sense of disconnect from the world, people, and even oneself often emerges as the old self - the ego dissolves.

The dark night of the soul can feel isolating and overwhelming, but it is also a period of immense growth, healing, and transformation. This process is not meant to break you but to break open the barriers to your true self. With patience, surrender, and awareness, one learns to ride these waves with grace. No matter how painful, each surge guides our souls toward growth, healing, and awakening. Carl Young, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist who founded the School of Analytical Psychology, explains in this video, the dark night of the soul.

Disclaimer: This article is based on personal insights and experiences. Consult a professional for personalized guidance.